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Oriole – Decaf Blend


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Yes, this is our darkest offering. No, it’s not just a run of the mill “Decaf” by any means.

This cup is truly for those that enjoy coffee day or night. Sipping comes easy after being invited by its Honey-like sweetness. Creamy and buttery flavors of Macadamia Nut jump around your palate allowing you to appreciate each one at a time. This coffee is so Well-Rounded in its flavors, body and acidity that we dare not add anything else to disrupt this beautiful balancing act.

Essentially a Dark roast for any occasion, for people who truly appreciate coffee.

Origins: Colombia, Peru

Taste Notes: Honey, Macadamia Nut, Well-Rounded

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs

Whole Bean, Drip, French Press, Espresso, Pour Over

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